At Mahashree, sustainability is central to our existence and operations. We are committed to creating a safer, healthier and greener world. We ensure sustainability is practiced at all levels.
Our Reach
We work with 100,000+ farmers and touch the lives of over 200,000 in community development. We have successfully been able to improve soil health on 145,000 acres of land. By way of our farm practices, reforestation and strong check & control on emission levels in the supply chain, we have been able to reduce our carbon footprint.
Our Efforts Include
Sustainability at the farms & communities
Improving soil health by methods of regeneration
Embracing and improving on crop and soil diversity
Promoting land carbon sink
Educate farmers on good agriculture practices
Encouraging un-employed, rural women to participate in agriculture
Promotion of education & well-being in farmer communities
Encouraged solar electricity for farms and community homes
Sustainability in the supply chain
Achieved the lowest food miles for our products
Compact packaging practices leading to increased effectivity of supply chain and hence lower carbon footprint
Sustainability while processing
Employing, training and giving skills to the under qualified
Promoting women empowerment and gender equality by ensuring at least 50% of our staff are women
Employing upcycled products for packaging
Strict zero inorganic harmful waste disposal policy